The Symfony UX Initiative & Packages ¶
Check out live demos of Symfony UX at!
Symfony UX is an initiative and set of libraries to seamlessly integrate JavaScript tools into your application. For example, want to render a chart with Chart.js? Use UX Chart.js to build the chart in PHP. The JavaScript is handled for you automatically.
Behind the scenes, the UX packages leverage Stimulus: a small, but powerful library for binding JavaScript functionality to elements on your page.
Installing Symfony UX ¶
Before you install any specific UX library, make sure you've installed Webpack Encore.
If you already have it installed, make sure you have an
file (this initializes Stimulus & the UX packages),
an assets/controllers.json
file (this controls the 3rd party UX packages that
you've installed) and .enableStimulusBridge('./assets/controllers.json')
your webpack.config.js
file. If these are missing, try upgrading the
Flex recipe. See
Upgrading Flex Recipes.
All Symfony UX Packages ¶
- ux-autocomplete: Transform
or any<select>
element into an Ajax-powered autocomplete field (see demo)ux-autocomplete: EntityType、ChoiceType、または任意の要素を Ajax を利用したオートコンプリート フィールドに変換します (デモを参照) - ux-chartjs: Easy charts with Chart.js (see demo)ux-chartjs: Chart.js を使用した簡単なチャート (デモを参照)
- ux-cropperjs: Form Type and tools for cropping images (see demo)ux-cropperjs: 画像をトリミングするためのフォーム タイプとツール (デモを参照)
- ux-dropzone: Form Type for stylized "drop zone" for file uploads
(see demo)ux-dropzone: ファイル アップロード用の定型化された「ドロップ ゾーン」のフォーム タイプ (デモを参照)
- ux-lazy-image: Optimize Image Loading with BlurHash
(see demo)ux-lazy-image: BlurHash による画像読み込みの最適化 (デモを参照)
- ux-live-component: Build Dynamic Interfaces with Zero JavaScript
(see demo)ux-live-component: ゼロ JavaScript で動的インターフェイスを構築する (デモを参照)
- ux-notify: Send server-sent native notification with Mercure
(see demo)ux-notify: サーバーから送信されたネイティブ通知を Mercure で送信します (デモを参照)
- ux-react: Render React component from Twig (see demo)ux-react: Twig から React コンポーネントをレンダリングします (デモを参照)
- ux-swup: Integration with Swup (see demo)ux-swup: Swup との統合 (デモを参照)
- ux-turbo: Integration with Turbo Drive for a single-page-app experience
(see demo)ux-turbo: 単一ページのアプリ エクスペリエンスのための Turbo Drive との統合 (デモを参照)
- ux-twig-component: Build Twig Components Backed by a PHP Class
(see demo)ux-twig-component: PHP クラスに基づく Twig コンポーネントのビルド (デモを参照)
- ux-typed: Integration with Typed (see demo)ux-typed: Typed との統合 (デモを参照)
- ux-vue: Render Vue component from Twig (see demo)ux-vue: Twig からの Vue コンポーネントのレンダリング (デモを参照)
Stimulus Tools around the World ¶
Because Stimulus is used by developers outside of Symfony, many tools exist beyond the UX packages:
- stimulus-use: Add composable behaviors to your Stimulus controllers, like
debouncing, detecting outside clicks and many other things.timulus-use: Stimulus コントローラーに構成可能な動作を追加します。これには、バウンス、外部クリックの検出、その他多くの機能が含まれます。
- stimulus-components A large number of pre-made Stimulus controllers, like for
Copying to clipboard, Sortable, Popover (similar to tooltips) and much more.刺激コンポーネント クリップボードへのコピー、ソート可能、ポップオーバー (ツールチップに類似) など、多数の事前に作成された刺激コントローラー。
How does Symfony UX Work? ¶
When you install a UX PHP package, Symfony Flex will automatically update your
file to point to a "virtual package" that lives inside the
PHP package. For example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
"devDependencies": {
"...": "",
"@symfony/ux-chartjs": "file:vendor/symfony/ux-chartjs/Resources/assets"
This gives you a real Node package (e.g. @symfony/ux-chartjs
) that, instead
of being downloaded, points directly to files that already live in your vendor/
The Flex recipe will usually also update your assets/controllers.json
to add a new Stimulus controller to your app. For example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
"controllers": {
"@symfony/ux-chartjs": {
"chart": {
"enabled": true,
"fetch": "eager"
"entrypoints": []
Finally, your assets/bootstrap.js
file - working with the @symfony/stimulus-bridge -
package will automatically register:
- All files in
as Stimulus controllers;assets/controllers/ 内のすべてのファイルを Stimulus コントローラーとして。 - And all controllers described in
as Stimulus controllers.また、assets/controllers.json に Stimulus コントローラーとして記述されているすべてのコントローラー。
The end result: you install a package, and you instantly have a Stimulus
controller available! In this example, it's called
. Well, technically, it will be called
. However, you can pass the original name
into the {{ stimulus_controller() }}
function from WebpackEncoreBundle, and
it will normalize it:
1 2 3 4 |
<div {{ stimulus_controller('@symfony/ux-chartjs/chart') }}>
<!-- will render as: -->
<div data-controller="symfony--ux-chartjs--chart">
Lazy Controllers ¶
By default, all of your controllers (i.e. files in assets/controllers/
controllers in assets/controllers.json
) will be downloaded and loaded on
every page.
Sometimes you may have a controller that is only used on some pages, or maybe
only in your admin area. In that case, you can make the controller "lazy". When
a controller is lazy, it is not downloaded on initial page load. Instead, as
soon as an element appears on the page matching the controller (e.g.
<div data-controller="hello">
), the controller - and anything else it imports -
will be lazyily-loaded via Ajax.
To make one of your custom controllers lazy, add a special comment on top:
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus';
/* stimulusFetch: 'lazy' */
export default class extends Controller {
// ...
To make a third-party controller lazy, in assets/controllers.json
, set
to lazy
If you write your controllers using TypeScript, make sure
is not set to true
in your TypeScript config.
More Advanced Setup ¶
To learn about more advanced options, read about @symfony/stimulus-bridge, the Node package that is responsible for a lot of the magic.