The VarDumper Component ¶
The VarDumper component provides mechanisms for extracting the state out of any PHP variables. Built on top, it provides a better
function that you can use instead of var_dump.VarDumper コンポーネントは、PHP 変数から状態を抽出するメカニズムを提供します。上に構築され、var_dump の代わりに使用できるより優れた dump() 関数を提供します。
Installation ¶
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$ composer require --dev symfony/var-dumper
If you install this component outside of a Symfony application, you must
require the vendor/autoload.php
file in your code to enable the class
autoloading mechanism provided by Composer. Read
this article for more details.
If using it inside a Symfony application, make sure that the DebugBundle has
been installed (or run composer require --dev symfony/debug-bundle
to install it).
The dump() Function ¶
The VarDumper component creates a global dump()
function that you can
use instead of e.g. var_dump. By using it, you'll gain:
- Per object and resource types specialized view to e.g. filter out
Doctrine internals while dumping a single proxy entity, or get more
insight on opened files with stream_get_meta_data;オブジェクトとリソースの種類ごとに特化したビューなど。単一のプロキシ エンティティをダンプする際に Doctrine の内部を除外するか、stream_get_meta_data で開いているファイルについてより多くの洞察を得ます。
- Configurable output formats: HTML or colored command line output;構成可能な出力形式: HTML または色付きのコマンド ライン出力。
- Ability to dump internal references, either soft ones (objects or
resources) or hard ones (
on arrays or objects properties). Repeated occurrences of the same object/array/resource won't appear again and again anymore. Moreover, you'll be able to inspect the reference structure of your data; - Ability to operate in the context of an output buffering handler.出力バッファリング ハンドラのコンテキストで操作する機能。
For example:
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require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
// create a variable, which could be anything!
$someVar = ...;
// dump() returns the passed value, so you can dump an object and keep using it
By default, the output format and destination are selected based on your current PHP SAPI:
- On the command line (CLI SAPI), the output is written on
. This can be surprising to some because this bypasses PHP's output buffering mechanism;コマンドライン (CLI SAPI) では、出力は STDOUT に書き込まれます。これは、PHP の出力バッファリング メカニズムをバイパスするため、驚く人もいます。 - On other SAPIs, dumps are written as HTML in the regular output.他の SAPI では、ダンプは通常の出力で HTML として書き込まれます。
You can also select the output format explicitly defining the
environment variable and setting its value to either
, cli
or server.
If you want to catch the dump output as a string, please read the advanced documentation which contains examples of it. You'll also learn how to change the format or redirect the output to wherever you want.
In order to have the dump()
function always available when running
any PHP code, you can install it globally on your computer:
- Run
composer global require symfony/var-dumper
;composer global require symfony/var-dumper; を実行します。 - Add
auto_prepend_file = ${HOME}/.composer/vendor/autoload.php
to yourphp.ini
file;auto_prepend_file = ${HOME}/.composer/vendor/autoload.php を php.ini ファイルに追加します。 - From time to time, run
composer global update symfony/var-dumper
to have the latest bug fixes.時々、composer global update symfony/var-dumper を実行して、最新のバグ修正を入手してください。
The VarDumper component also provides a dd()
("dump and die") helper
function. This function dumps the variables using dump()
immediately ends the execution of the script (using exit).
The Dump Server ¶
The dump()
function outputs its contents in the same browser window or
console terminal as your own application. Sometimes mixing the real output
with the debug output can be confusing. That's why this component provides a
server to collect all the dumped data.
Start the server with the server:dump
command and whenever you call to
, the dumped data won't be displayed in the output but sent to that
server, which outputs it to its own console or to an HTML file:
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# displays the dumped data in the console:
$ php bin/console server:dump
[OK] Server listening on tcp://
# stores the dumped data in a file using the HTML format:
$ php bin/console server:dump --format=html > dump.html
Inside a Symfony application, the output of the dump server is configured with
the dump_destination option of the
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# config/packages/debug.yaml
dump_destination: "tcp://%env(VAR_DUMPER_SERVER)%"
Outside a Symfony application, use the ServerDumper class:
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require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\CliDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider\CliContextProvider;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider\SourceContextProvider;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ServerDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper;
$cloner = new VarCloner();
$fallbackDumper = \in_array(\PHP_SAPI, ['cli', 'phpdbg']) ? new CliDumper() : new HtmlDumper();
$dumper = new ServerDumper('tcp://', $fallbackDumper, [
'cli' => new CliContextProvider(),
'source' => new SourceContextProvider(),
VarDumper::setHandler(function ($var) use ($cloner, $dumper) {
The second argument of ServerDumper
is a DataDumperInterface instance
used as a fallback when the server is unreachable. The third argument are the
context providers, which allow to gather some info about the context in which the
data was dumped. The built-in context providers are: cli
, request
and source
Then you can use the following command to start a server out-of-the-box:
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$ ./vendor/bin/var-dump-server
[OK] Server listening on tcp://
Configuring the Dump Server with Environment Variables ¶
If you prefer to not modify the application configuration (e.g. to quickly debug
a project given to you) use the VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT
env var.
First, start the server as usual:
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$ ./vendor/bin/var-dump-server
Then, run your code with the VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT=server
env var by configuring
this value in the .env file of your application. For
console commands, you can also define this env var as follows:
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$ VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT=server [your-cli-command]
The host used by the server
format is the one configured in the
env var or
if none is defined.
If you prefer, you can also configure the host in the VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT
env var like this: VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT=tcp://
DebugBundle and Twig Integration ¶
The DebugBundle allows greater integration of this component into Symfony applications.
Since generating (even debug) output in the controller or in the model
of your application may just break it by e.g. sending HTTP headers or
corrupting your view, the bundle configures the dump()
function so that
variables are dumped in the web debug toolbar.
But if the toolbar cannot be displayed because you e.g. called
or a fatal error occurred, then dumps are written
on the regular output.
In a Twig template, two constructs are available for dumping a variable. Choosing between both is mostly a matter of personal taste, still:
{% dump %}
is the way to go when the original template output shall not be modified: variables are not dumped inline, but in the web debug toolbar;{% dump %} は、元のテンプレート出力が変更されない場合の方法です。変数はインラインではなく、webdebug ツールバーにダンプされます。- on the contrary,
{{ dump( }}
dumps inline and thus may or not be suited to your use case (e.g. you shouldn't use it in an HTML attribute or a<script>
tag).逆に、 {{ dump( }} はインラインでダンプするため、ユースケースに適している場合と適していない場合があります (たとえば、HTML 属性または atag では使用しないでください)。
This behavior can be changed by configuring the debug.dump_destination
option. Read more about this and other options in
the DebugBundle configuration reference.
If the dumped contents are complex, consider using the local search box to
look for specific variables or values. First, click anywhere on the dumped
contents and then press Ctrl. + F
or Cmd. + F
to make the local
search box appear. All the common shortcuts to navigate the search results
are supported (Ctrl. + G
or Cmd. + G
, F3
, etc.) When
finished, press Esc.
to hide the box again.
If you want to use your browser search input, press Ctrl. + F
Cmd. + F
again while focusing on VarDumper's search input.
Using the VarDumper Component in your PHPUnit Test Suite ¶
The VarDumper component provides a trait that can help writing some of your tests for PHPUnit.
This will provide you with two new assertions:
- assertDumpEquals()
verifies that the dump of the variable given as the second argument matches
the expected dump provided as the first argument.
2 番目の引数として指定された変数のダンプが、最初の引数として指定された予想されるダンプと一致することを確認します。
- assertDumpMatchesFormat()
is like the previous method but accepts placeholders in the expected dump,
based on the
method provided by PHPUnit.前のメソッドと似ていますが、PHPUnit が提供する assertStringMatchesFormat() メソッドに基づいて、予想されるダンプでプレースホルダーを受け入れます。
The VarDumperTestTrait
also includes these other methods:
- setUpVarDumper()
is used to configure the available casters and their options, which is a way
to only control the fields you're expecting and allows writing concise tests.
- tearDownVarDumper()
is called automatically after each case to reset the custom configuration
made in
.setUpVarDumper() で作成されたカスタム構成をリセットするために、各ケースの後に自動的に呼び出されます。
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use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Test\VarDumperTestTrait;
class ExampleTest extends TestCase
use VarDumperTestTrait;
protected function setUp()
$casters = [
\DateTimeInterface::class => static function (\DateTimeInterface $date, array $a, Stub $stub): array {
$stub->class = 'DateTime';
return ['date' => $date->format('d/m/Y')];
// this configures the casters & flags to use for all the tests in this class.
// If you need custom configurations per test rather than for the whole class,
// call this setUpVarDumper() method from those tests instead.
$this->setUpVarDumper($casters, $flags);
public function testWithDumpEquals()
$testedVar = [123, 'foo'];
// the expected dump contents don't have the default VarDumper structure
// because of the custom casters and flags used in the test
$expectedDump = <<<EOTXT
// if the first argument is a string, it must be the whole expected dump
$this->assertDumpEquals($expectedDump, $testedVar);
// if the first argument is not a string, assertDumpEquals() dumps it
// and compares it with the dump of the second argument
$this->assertDumpEquals($testedVar, $testedVar);
Dump Examples and Output ¶
For simple variables, reading the output should be straightforward. Here are some examples showing first a variable defined in PHP, then its dump representation:
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$var = [
'a simple string' => "in an array of 5 elements",
'a float' => 1.0,
'an integer' => 1,
'a boolean' => true,
'an empty array' => [],

The gray arrow is a toggle button for hiding/showing children of nested structures.
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$var = "This is a multi-line string.\n";
$var .= "Hovering a string shows its length.\n";
$var .= "The length of UTF-8 strings is counted in terms of UTF-8 characters.\n";
$var .= "Non-UTF-8 strings length are counted in octet size.\n";
$var .= "Because of this `\xE9` octet (\\xE9),\n";
$var .= "this string is not UTF-8 valid, thus the `b` prefix.\n";

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class PropertyExample
public $publicProperty = 'The `+` prefix denotes public properties,';
protected $protectedProperty = '`#` protected ones and `-` private ones.';
private $privateProperty = 'Hovering a property shows a reminder.';
$var = new PropertyExample();

`#14` is the internal object handle. It allows comparing two consecutive dumps of the same object.
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class DynamicPropertyExample
public $declaredProperty = 'This property is declared in the class definition';
$var = new DynamicPropertyExample();
$var->undeclaredProperty = 'Runtime added dynamic properties have `"` around their name.';

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class ReferenceExample
public $info = "Circular and sibling references are displayed as `#number`.\nHovering them highlights all instances in the same dump.\n";
$var = new ReferenceExample();
$var->aCircularReference = $var;

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$var = new \ErrorException(
"For some objects, properties have special values\n"
."that are best represented as constants, like\n"
."`severity` below. Hovering displays the value (`2`).\n",

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$var = [];
$var[0] = 1;
$var[1] =& $var[0];
$var[1] += 1;
$var[2] = ["Hard references (circular or sibling)"];
$var[3] =& $var[2];
$var[3][] = "are dumped using `&number` prefixes.";

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$var = new \ArrayObject();
$var[] = "Some resources and special objects like the current";
$var[] = "one are sometimes best represented using virtual";
$var[] = "properties that describe their internal state.";

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$var = new AcmeController(
"When a dump goes over its maximum items limit,\n"
."or when some special objects are encountered,\n"
."children can be replaced by an ellipsis and\n"
."optionally followed by a number that says how\n"
."many have been removed; `9` in this case.\n"

Learn More ¶
- Advanced Usage of the VarDumper ComponentVarDumper コンポーネントの高度な使用法