Authentication Support

API Platform Admin delegates the authentication support to React Admin. Refer to the chapter dedicated to authentication in the React Admin documentation for more information.

API プラットフォーム管理者は、認証サポートを React 管理者に委任します。詳細については、React 管理者ドキュメントの認証に関する章を参照してください。

In short, you have to tweak the data provider and the API documentation parser like this:

つまり、データ プロバイダーと API ドキュメント パーサーを次のように微調整する必要があります。

// components/admin/Admin.tsx

import Head from "next/head";
import { useState } from "react";
import { Navigate, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import { CustomRoutes } from "react-admin";
import {
  fetchHydra as baseFetchHydra,
  hydraDataProvider as baseHydraDataProvider,
} from "@api-platform/admin";
import { parseHydraDocumentation } from "@api-platform/api-doc-parser";
import authProvider from "utils/authProvider";
import { ENTRYPOINT } from "config/entrypoint";

const getHeaders = () => localStorage.getItem("token") ? {
  Authorization: `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem("token")}`,
} : {};
const fetchHydra = (url, options = {}) =>
  baseFetchHydra(url, {
    headers: getHeaders,
const RedirectToLogin = () => {
  const introspect = useIntrospection();

  if (localStorage.getItem("token")) {
    return <></>;
  return <Navigate to="/login" />;
const apiDocumentationParser = (setRedirectToLogin) => async () => {
  try {

    return await parseHydraDocumentation(ENTRYPOINT, { headers: getHeaders });
  } catch (result) {
    const { api, response, status } = result;
    if (status !== 401 || !response) {
      throw result;

    // Prevent infinite loop if the token is expired


    return {
const dataProvider = (setRedirectToLogin) => baseHydraDataProvider({
  entrypoint: ENTRYPOINT,
  httpClient: fetchHydra,
  apiDocumentationParser: apiDocumentationParser(setRedirectToLogin),

const Admin = () => {
  const [redirectToLogin, setRedirectToLogin] = useState(false);

  return (
        <title>API Platform Admin</title>

      <HydraAdmin dataProvider={dataProvider(setRedirectToLogin)} authProvider={authProvider} entrypoint={window.origin}>
          {redirectToLogin ? <Route path="/" element={<RedirectToLogin />} /> : null}
export default Admin;

For the implementation of the auth provider, you can find a working example in the API Platform's demo application.

認証プロバイダーの実装については、API プラットフォームのデモ アプリケーションで実際の例を見つけることができます。